Padmasana Breakdown: Lotus Pose
Padmasana Breakdown: Lotus Pose
Padmasana Breakdown: Lotus Pose - Is it safe for me to practice?
•If your knee joint closes completely, you may be ready to try Lotus•Closing the knee joint fully means that you’re able to bend your knee while gently pressing the calf to the thigh
•If your knee joint doesn’t completely close, your quadriceps may not be long enough yet for Lotus. You can work on lengthening the quadricep muscles to protect the knees. You can do this in Virasana (Hero’s)
•Another reason why the knee joint might not close is if there is compression from soft tissue
•If your knee joint never fully closes, it’s ok
•If you’re able to close the knee joint, then you want to take a look at opening the hips
•If you’re able to comfortably come into Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle), then you’re hips are probably in a safe space for lotus
•If your knees are really high, you probably aren’t in a safe place for lotus. Otherwise, the knees can get injured
•Lotus requires the hips to externally rotate but as you’re coming into the pose, it requires internal hip rotation so that the pelvis can tip forward and the lower back can naturally curve
Sanskrit Name: Padmasana
English Name: Lotus Pose
How to do Padamasana: Lotus Pose
•Make sure you’re totally warmed up
•Start in Staff Pose. Lift the right leg, bending the right knee, and bring the right foot towards the navel
•Place the right heel on the back of the right thigh (knee joint closes)
•Open the right hip joint and drop the right knee out to the side
•Pad the right knee with a blanket if necessary
•Using your hands, bring the right foot up towards the navel and then cross it over towards the left groin
•Repeat this on the left
•Once you’re in the pose, take a slight forward tilt of the pelvis and let the spine curve naturally
•Sit up nice and tall, keeping the length in the spine.
Benefits of Padmasana Lotus Pose:
•Opens up the hips.
•Stretches the ankles and knees.
•Calms the brain.
•Keeps the spine straight which develops good posture
•Increases awareness and attentiveness
•Stimulates the spine, pelvis, abdomen, and bladder
•Restores energy levels
Contraindications of Padmasana / Lotus Pose:
•Knee injury
•Ankle injury
•Back pain
•Sciatic pain or nerve issues
•Hip injury
Modifications / Accessibility Options for Padmasana / Lotus Pose:
•Sit on blankets or a block to lift the hips (if your knees are lifting and pubic bone is dropping – indication of tight hip flexors)
•Pad the knee(s) with a blanket if the knee(s) are lifting
•Roll up a towel or blanket for tight ankles that are rolling in
•Ardha Padmasana (Half Lotus) is also always an option
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